LSA Power Panel 

New For 2010 - Light Sport Power Panel:

The Light Sport Power Panel was designed for LSA and light aircraft applications. It offers a new degree of flexibility in modern"Glass Panel" equipped aircraft. The electrical power bus is split into three segments including the Main Bus, Radio Bus and the Essential bus. The Radio Bus is switched and filtered. The Essential Bus can be wired directly to the Main Bus or easily connected to a back up system such as the Composite Design Power Guard to allow dependable, constant power to critical flight and engine instruments.  As with all Composite Design power systems, this panel is rugged, serviceable and dependable.

6 Switches:

Cessna type split master switch (Alternator Field & Master Solenoid Controls)

Radio Master   (Radio Master... Has 5 sub circuits)

Land Lite

Strobe Lites

Nav Lites

Fuel Pump

Includes dual diode (25A) that is used to isolate the regular master solenoid and the smaller compliment used on the Power Guard Module. Use of the Power Guard is not required but integration of this module is a snap as an essential bus backup...

14 Circuit Breakers:

Main Bus

Radio Bus

Essential Bus

* Nav Lites


* Radio 1


* EFIS 1


* Strobes


* Radio 2


* EFIS 2


* Land Lite


* XPonder


* Flt Inst


* Fuel Pump




* Eng Data


* Accy


* Audio


Avionics Bus Has Built-In Noise Suppression Circuit

Power & Ground connect to the Circuit Board with 1/4" Bolts

Labeled Terminal Strips Simplify Connections to the Panel

Face Plate Artwork is on a laminated Lexan Overlay

Dimensions: 2.375"H x 10.5"W x 6.5"D

Light Weight: 2.25 lbs (approx)

Absolute Maximum Ratings:

* Panel Bus Bars = 50 Amps Continuous, 75 Amp 10% Duty Cycle, Including Radio Bus

* Radio Bus = 12 Amps Continuous (18 Amp @ 10% Duty Cycle)

* Panel Working Voltage = 17 / 32 Volts (12 volt system / 28 volt system)

Price: $725.00 (14V) $740.00 (28V).  International Shipping Available,  Unit also available through Aircraft Spruce and Specialty.

Copyright Composite Design 2022